Hypnosis To Stop Negative Thinking

What drives us into that feeling of despair and not being able to see a way out of the situation you find yourself in, it could be pressure at work, a feeling of not being appreciated. Young adults are finding themselves more often than not under pressure from college, parents and peers to do well and some are really unhappy which can lead to withdrawing, eating disorders, self harm, and yes suicide.
These feelings are caused because when we feel under this immense pressure none of the natural chemicals like Dopamine or Serotonin are being created and we start to use our primitive brains rather than our intellectual brain. As we see ourselves losing the ability to understand our lives and make sensible decisions so the primitive brain just carries on making us miserable and thinking negatively and see no good in the future.
Right then what can we do about this rotten situation i hear you ask. Now every negative thought we have is accumulated and stored, imagine they are stored in a stress bucket. We do have a method of emptying our bucket and it is known as REM sleep, rapid eye movement. At night we re-run events of the day and change them from being an emotional memory to a narrative memory, a memory we have control over.
You are familiar with REM sleep and how it works, imagine someone upsets you at work and you really are upset. You tell your parents or partner about it and they say, oh just forget about it, but you cant and you are still thinking about it when you go to bed. During your REM sleep you will re-run the event in a metaphor or in clear pictures (dreaming) and you will move it from your primitive brain (bucket) to your intellectual brain where you have control over it. So when you wake up in the morning you might well have forgotten about the wretched person, you might not but you will certainly say something like, Why do i let these people upset me so much. Sometimes when our bucket is full and overflowing it wont get emptied which leads to trouble getting off to sleep, waking up in the night worrying about this and that and leads us to be perpetually tired and irritable.
At High Beech Hypnotherapy i can help you get the real you back and help that happiness back in your life once more and get that serotonin flowing again. Make an appointment now.
Whilst we’re in Lockdown sessions will be carried out via zoom or messenger etc which is just as effective as face to face sessions in order to stay safe.

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